
Antisemitism on Campuses, Ivy and Beyond

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Credit…Alex Welsh for The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “Should American Jews Abandon Elite Universities?,” by Bret Stephens (column, June 26):

Mr. Stephens has issued a sobering and well-documented indictment of antisemitism on elite campuses. The question asked by the headline is timely and troubling for many Jewish high school students and their families.

As noted by Mr. Stephens, confused administrators and revisionist curriculums contributed to this crisis. But the insensitivity and hypocrisy of supposedly idealistic and enlightened college students may be the most striking and unkind cut of all.

“Safe spaces” and rules against “microaggressions” have become commonplace on campuses. Yet when Jewish students made it known that calling for deadly attacks on Jews (“Globalize the intifada!”) is offensive and intimidating, they were ignored.

Chants in favor of colonization or racism would never — and should never — be met with such indifference. It hurts.

Perhaps the headline of Mr. Stephens’s column should be rephrased: “Have Elite Universities Abandoned American Jews?”

Alan M. Schwartz
Teaneck, N.J.

To the Editor:

While the Ivies have claimed the antisemitism spotlight this year, Jew-hatred is flourishing on many other campuses, including mine, the University of California, Davis.

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