Lawsuits Mount Over Software Used by Landlords to Set Rents
Antitrust cases contend that use of RealPage’s algorithm, which lets property owners share private data, amounts to collusion.
White House Pushes Rent Cap, Reigniting Debate on Housing Policy
A proposal to make landlords’ tax breaks contingent on rent limits has drawn industry pushback, progressive applause and some alternative…
What’s the Best City for Renters?
A recent study ranked U.S. cities for renters based on cost of living and housing, the local economy, and quality…
What’s the Best City for New College Graduates?
A recent study ranked 100 of the largest U.S. cities based on median rents, job opportunities and social metrics.
It Could Soon Cost More to Take a Shower. Here’s Why.
The city has approved rent increases for tenants and has raised the rent for its own water board. In response,…
Rent Increases for 1 Million N.Y.C. Apartments Are Likely to Be Approved
The Latest A New York City panel is expected to approve rent increases for almost one million stabilized apartments on…
New York City Might Finally Curb Broker Fees for Renters
A majority of the City Council supports a bill that would transfer the cost of most broker fees from renters…
New Yorkers Who Need Help With Rent Can (Finally) Join a List for Help
A waiting list for federal housing vouchers that has been closed for nearly 15 years is reopening, providing a lifeline…
More N.Y.C. Rentals Are Available. But Can You Afford One?
Inventory has grown over the past year, though prices continue to rise as well — just not as fast.
Millions of New Yorkers Wait to Hear How Much Their Rent Will Go Up
The Rent Guidelines Board will cast a preliminary vote on the level of rent increases that tenants in New York…